
I’m Harvey, and i wanted to begin a discussion about weight loss, how’s yours going?

  • Why am i blogging, well i simply wanted to discover the best weight loss ideas you have and then compile a list.
  • Do you have any great tips and ideas to help fight against the desire to eat fatty foods?
  • Can you help me?

I’ve heard that a good detox can help, couldnt help but notice a discount code on Red Tea. Anyone up for a discount should like the below link.

Have you any great ideas for fat burning, rather than running on the treadmill twice a week what else helps burn fat?

I’ve decided to cut out alcohol for a month, not that i drink much but felt this will hopefully increase further weight loss.

Have you any ideas for me to try ?

The below was something i also felt may help…


Please feel free to try the links, and complete a write up as to your progress…

Here’s something else i came across…

Try it out…
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